Spots publicitaires

Workforce Optimization

L’objectif d’une publicité est de persuader le public d’acheter ce produit, ou de se positionner en faveur de la marque. S’il est vrai que la télévision a été la première option, et qu’elle est née comme telle pour ce support, du fait de l’apparition des nouvelles technologies et d’Internet, des publicités peuvent également être visionnées à travers elles.

Analysis report

Provides the statistics of the different quality scores and the scoreboard can provide information on various aspects of operational efficiency.

Task assignment strategy

Workforce optimization is a strategy used in business with focus on maximum customer satisfaction and benefits with minimal operational costs and supported by integrated technologies, cross-functional processes and shared objectives.

Workforce optimization is a strategy used in business with focus on maximum customer satisfaction and benefits with minimal operational costs and supported by integrated technologies, cross-functional processes and shared objectives.

Workforce optimization is a strategy used in business with focus on maximum customer satisfaction and benefits with minimal operational costs and supported by integrated technologies, cross-functional processes and shared objectives.

Provides the statistics of the different quality scores and the scoreboard can provide information on various aspects of operational efficiency.